EKOM Akademie

Importance of EKOM Noise reduction cabinets

EKOM noise reduction cabinets for compressors
EKOM Noise reduction cabinets

EKOM Noise reduction cabinets play a crucial role in creating a more comfortable and healthier workplace environment. These specialized cabinets are designed to minimise the noise of compressors or suctions, essential devices not only for dental equipment. Both compressors and suctions are potential sources of noise, which in combination with noise of other used instruments can reach uncomfortable or even unhealthy levels. Noise reduction cabinets are not new invention, but EKOM solution is a great combination of noise reduction and other benefits.

Benefits of EKOM Noise reduction cabinets:

  • High Noise Reduction: Primary benefit of using noise reduction cabinets is the significant reduction in noise levels up to 12dB(A). This is lowering the original noise of compressor 3 times. By using a sound-absorbing cabinet, the noise emissions are muted, resulting in a quieter working environment. Lower noise is benefit for the users by protecting their hearing and creating a more comfortable and healthier workspace.
  • Optimal cooling: While for noise reduction is best in completely closed cabinet, air flow is necessary to ensure safe temperature inside cabinet. Higher the temperature, shorter the life of the enclosed device and higher the risk of malfunction. EKOM cabinets are designed to achieve high noise reduction, while maintaining optimal air circulation for cooling. 
  • Compliance with Regulations: By using EKOM noise reduction cabinets, you are meeting regulatory requirements according to medical device directive and therefore providing a safe working environment.
  • Additional Protection: Noise reduction cabinets are providing protection from external factors like dust, debris, and moisture, reducing the risk of damage to device and preventing accidental injury by creating a barrier between user and hot surfaces of enclosed device.


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