EKOM Akademie

Advantages of oil-free compressors

Innovation in the world of compressed air technology had taken a significant leap forward with the emergence of oil-free compressors. These machines offer a host of advantages over traditional oil-lubricated compressors, making them the preferred choice for a wide range of applications.

One of the primary advantages of oil-free compressors lies in their ability to deliver clean and oil-free air, making them ideal for industries highly sensitive on quality of used air such as food, pharmaceutical, and healthcare. 

By eliminating the risk of oil contamination of products and equipment, these compressors help to maintain the integrity of products and equipment, ultimately reducing maintenance and repair costs. Around 70% of EKOM's production focuses on healthcare compressors, particularly for respiratory and dental use; however, there is a rising demand in the laboratory and industry sectors for oil-free solutions.

Furthermore, oil-free compressors boast service efficiency by eliminating the need for maintaining the oil cooling and separation. This results in lower environmental burden (reducing greenhouse gas emissions and waste oils) and operational costs, making them a more sustainable choice for businesses looking to reduce their environmental footprint.

In addition to their environmental benefits, EKOM oil-free compressors offer extended component life and increased reliability. By active air cooling the minimized wear of pistons and lowering bearing temperatures, results in high performance and long lifespan, not only matching but over exceeding the oil cooled compressors. 

Compact, powerful, hygienic, and ecological, oil-free compressors are the future of compressed air technology. Whether you're in the food industry, pharmaceutical sector, or healthcare field, they provide a reliable and efficient source of compressed air for a wide range of applications.

Make the switch to oil-free EKOM compressors today and improve your business with peak performance, reliability, and sustainability.

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