EKOM, spol. s r. o. asks all those interested in registering on the company’s website to indicate true, accurate, complete and current data in the registration form, corresponding to entries in the relevant official records / public register (Commercial Register of the Slovak Republic, Trade Register of the Slovak Republic, organisation register of the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, other public register).
By completing the registration form, you acknowledge that all information therein becomes part of the proprietary information database of EKOM, spol. s r. o., which the company uses for the provision of services and goods, as well as for drawing up the corresponding contractual, accounting and tax documentation.
Current contact information will especially allow us, if necessary, to directly contact you without undue delay or misunderstanding.
By successfully registering on the website of EKOM, spol. s r. o., you grant EKOM, spol. s r. o. unconditional consent to the processing of the data contained in your registration form to the extent of the gathering, collecting, recording, organising, revising, retrieving, viewing, regrouping, combining, transferring, using, storing and disposal for the purpose of supplying the goods and services of EKOM, spol. s r. o., as well as to the extent of other operations necessary for the fulfilment of the legal obligations of EKOM, spol. s r. o.
Asimismo, registrándose en el sitio web de EKOM, spol. s r. o., usted concede a la empresa EKOM, spol. s r. o. da su consentimiento para el procesamiento de los datos personales ingresados con fines de marketing, incluidos anuncios y boletines informativos sobre productos, innovaciones y servicios proporcionados por EKOM, spol. s r. o..
If you no longer want some / all personal data, data of the contact person, or details of the company you represent to be part of the information database of EKOM, spol. s r. o., please contact EKOM, spol. s r. o. as soon as possible with a request for change / cancellation of registration, stating the scope of data to be erased from the information database of EKOM, spol. s r. o., and possibly replaced by new data.
EKOM, spol. s r. o. assumes no responsibility for the consequences of incorrect, incomplete, misleading or outdated data contained in any registration form or information profile that is part of any account established by registration within the website of EKOM, spol. s r. o. EKOM, spol. s r. o. also reserves the right to erase from its database all data with defamatory content, as well as data that misuse the registration on this website for impairing the rights and legitimate interests of other persons, or for violations of the law.
Before filling in the relevant data in the registration form, please carefully read the Statement on Privacy and Personal Data.
Please note that, except as provided above, registration on the website of EKOM, spol. s r. o. does not constitute or replace any other legal act addressed to EKOM, spol. s r. o. or a third party, nor is it a legal title establishing the creation, alteration or termination of entitlements other than those expressly set out above or in the Statement on Privacy and Personal Data of EKOM, spol. s r. o., provided on this website.
If you do not find the required information or materials on the website of EKOM, spol. s r. o., or if you have any objections or comments to the website’s content, please contact EKOM, spol. s r. o. by e-mail at web@ekom.sk.
Please fill in the information required for successful registration.
Please complete all required fields *
If you have completed training with us, state the certificate number.